Sunday, April 3, 2011

C4T Summary Post 3

C4T 1: Click here to view blog
I was assigned to Aaron Eyler's blog, Synthesizing Education. His last post was in December 2010 telling about his New Year's resolution to start blogging on his site more. Obviously, he didn't stick to that. He said he has been busy with trying to start a political commentary site and blog of current events for kids in a way they understand. My comment to him:"Hi Aaron,
My name is Mary-Katelin McFerrin, from Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. Your idea of current events and making them where kids can understand is great! It's a good way for kids to be involved in the community and what's going on around them being able to read it in a way they can relate and be apart of. Encouraging students to know current events is very important to me as a future teacher. We should all be educated on the world we live in."

C4T 2:
The first comment I made to Aaron Eyler on his blog is still awaiting moderation, so I'm guessing he hasn't seen it yet. I left him another comment on the same blog for the post right under the one mentioned above. This post is entitled You Get One Shot At This and is focused on failure and students only "doing school", not learning. "I, too, was a student who "did school". I played the game of what the teacher wanted so I could pass. I never actually learned anything, I just knew their was no option of failing. I hear a lot of teachers say a student only has to pass in a couple subjects to get moved on, so they don't worry about the others. I also hear teachers say they have to pass students in certain subjects regardless if they learn it. Thanks for posting this, it is very helpful for future teachers to think about things!"

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your enjoying your C4T assignments, and your other post are very insightful. I too was a student who "did" school; it wasn't until college that i actually began to immerse myself in subject matter.
