Monday, May 2, 2011

Special Metaphor Assignment-Blog Post 14


1. Why did you miss the metaphor in Tom Johnson's post, or, if you "hit the nail on the head", why do you think you understood the metaphor and why do you think that others in the class missed the metaphor? I thought I understood it for the most part. It came to me as we think too much on what to do and not why it's happening.

2. What metaphors have you encountered since I asked you to create a log of them?
One that I was just told, "stuck between a rock and a hard place", earlier today I heard, "always a bridesmaid, never a bride". "Can't have your cake and eat it too", "that was the icing on top of the cake" and Yesterday I was told, "blood is thicker than water". "Open a can of worms", "jump on that bandwagon", and "the final straw" are some more I hear daily.

3. What other things can we do as educators to help our students to understand and to use metaphors? It's important our students understand it's just a figure of speech and are not meant serious. The more they hear them the more they will understand and come up with their own. Teaching metaphors seems like it would be really fun and you could do a lot with it.

4. Why do we use metaphors?
I think it makes things for fun, adds some humor, gives a better understanding, and shows your personality.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

PLN- Final Post

Honestly, I have not used my PLN as much as I expected I would. I am hardly ever on the computer unless it is for school. I always use my phone for everything else I do on the internet. I can see where it is very helpful and if I did use my laptop on a daily basis and actually had time to do things other than school, then yes it would be needed. I think it's a great thing to know how to do though, and I'm sure in the future I will use it more. I do have websites I go on that are on there and it is organized, it's just not as useful to me right now.

Project 16