Saturday, February 5, 2011

C4T Summary Post 1

Post 1
I was assigned to post on Mr. Chamberlain's blog:Reflections on Teaching 2.0
The last thing he posted was a short SNL video about two minutes long, about politics. I don't watch SNL, so I don't know much about the videos, etc., but I did think it was funny and relevant for politics today.
He replied on another post: "Dear students, I know you have been assigned to leave a comment on this blog. Unfortunately I rarely post to it. If you would like to find newer posts to comment on you should try:
At the Teacher's Desk or Education Debate
Sorry about the inconvenience, I just don't use this forum that often.
Wm Chamberlain"

Post 2
I commented on At the Teacher's Desk: Can We Adopt a Master/Apprentice Approach to Learning? for my second post.
He makes three assumptions of becoming a master teacher. The third assumption was my favorite, "Assumption three: You model learning to your students." It's important that the teacher is learning as well. He talks about how it would be ideal for classrooms to become smaller. I agree, students would have more one-on-one and receive more attention. It would also benefit the teacher from spending more time with each student because they would learn more and it would help the process of becoming a master teacher. He questions if teachers of master learners can create master learners from their apprentices. I think they can. As we teach, we are modeling learning and encouraging to follow by example, as he says.

OneonOne Teaching

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